
About One World Consultants

East West Consultants is an independent organization which was established in November 2020 in Manchester, United Kingdom for worldwide education consultancy services. Its objective is to provide a solid link between students and educational institutions and to assist the students to get admissions in authentic national and international institutions.

We have been dealing with different educational institutions  which exclusively deals with United Kingdom educational institutions. As studying abroad is a very important decision of life. A wrong decision or wrong advice may ruin student’s careers and they may end up on a wrong course at a wrong institute. It is, therefore, very essential that the students must be advised accurately in the selection of course and academic service provider.

For the achievement of our objectives we at East West Consultants provide full-time student counselling and planning services. We arrange seminars and exhibitions time to time at different places and in different cities. We ensure to provide professional advice and information on study planning, application process, getting admissions, visa process and in case of refusal review advice as well.

We have been working with different institutions but our main focus is on UK universities and colleges .We prefer quality than quantity that’s why our aim is to provide students with guided assistance on a variety of aspects of studying abroad with information on the advantages of pursuing their careers in education all over the world.

Our Values

We are driven by our core values ‘ethics, expertise and leadership’. We believe that honesty is the best policy and paves the way for true success in every field of life. We strongly discourage the students to use any fraudulent means for pursuing their studies overseas or just getting student visa.

In case you do not meet up any of the requirements for studying overseas, instead of encouraging you to adopt any fraudulent means, we work harder with you to help you for the future planning. In an event where we believe that you would not be able to meet up these requirements in future as well, we would honestly advise you on the same so that you do not fall prey to dishonest practices.

We provide the following services in UK

